Autor Tema: Precice na tastaturi  (Pročitano 9150 puta)

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Precice na tastaturi
« poslato: Januar 06, 2011, 11:15:11 pre podne »
General keyboard shortcuts
F1-----Display Help
Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+Insert)-----Copy the selected item
Ctrl+X-----Cut the selected item
Ctrl+V (or Shift+Insert)-----Paste the selected item
Ctrl+Z-----Undo an action
Ctrl+Y-----Redo an action
Delete (or Ctrl+D)-----Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin
Shift+Delete------Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first
F2-----Rename the selected item
Ctrl+Right Arrow------Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl+Left Arrow------Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl+Down Arrow-----Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
Ctrl+Up Arrow------Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Ctrl+Shift with an arrow key-----Select a block of text
Shift with any arrow key------Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document
Ctrl with any arrow key+Spacebar-----Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop
Ctrl+A-----Select all items in a document or window
F3-----Search for a file or folder
Alt+Enter-----Display properties for the selected item
Alt+F4-----Close the active item, or exit the active program
Alt+Spacebar-----Open the shortcut menu for the active window
Ctrl+F4------Close the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
Alt+Tab------Switch between open items
Ctrl+Alt+Tab-----Use the arrow keys to switch between open items
Ctrl+Mouse scroll wheel-----Change the size of icons on the desktop
Windows logo key Picture of Windows logo key +Tab------Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D
Ctrl+Windows logo key Picture of Windows logo key +Tab-----Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D
Alt+Esc-----Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened
F6-----Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F4-----Display the address bar list in Windows Explorer
Shift+F10-----Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
Ctrl+Esc-----Open the Start menu
Alt+underlined letter-------Display the corresponding menu
Alt+underlined letter------Perform the menu command (or other underlined command)
F10--------Activate the menu bar in the active program
Right Arrow------Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu
Left Arrow-----Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu
F5 (or Ctrl+R)-----Refresh the active window
Alt+Up Arrow-----View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer
Esc-----Cancel the current task
Ctrl+Shift+Esc-----Open Task Manager
Shift when you insert a CD-------Prevent the CD from automatically playing
Left Alt+Shift-----Switch the input language when multiple input languages are enabled
Ctrl+Shift-----Switch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are enabled
Right or Left Ctrl+Shift-----Change the reading direction of text in right-to-left reading languages
Windows logo key keyboard shortcuts
Windows logo key  -----Open or close the Start menu.
Windows logo key  +Pause-----Display the System Properties dialog box.
Windows logo key  +D-----Display the desktop.
Windows logo key  +M------Minimize all windows.
Windows logo key  +Shift+M------Restore minimized windows to the desktop.
Windows logo key  +E-----Open Computer.
Windows logo key  +F------Search for a file or folder.
Ctrl+Windows logo key  +F-----Search for computers (if you're on a network).
Windows logo key  +L-----Lock your computer or switch users.
Windows logo key  +R-----Open the Run dialog box.
Windows logo key  +T-----Cycle through programs on the taskbar.
Windows logo key  +number-----Start the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the program is already running, switch to that program.
Shift+Windows logo key  +number-----Start a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Ctrl+Windows logo key  +number-----Switch to the last active window of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Alt+Windows logo key  +number-----Open the Jump List for the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Windows logo key  +Tab-----Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.
Ctrl+Windows logo key  +Tab-----Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.
Ctrl+Windows logo key  +B-----Switch to the program that displayed a message in the notification area.
Windows logo key  +Spacebar-----Preview the desktop.
Windows logo key  +Up Arrow-----Maximize the window.
Windows logo key  +Left Arrow-----Maximize the window to the left side of the screen.
Windows logo key  +Right Arrow-----Maximize the window to the right side of the screen.
Windows logo key  +Down Arrow-----Minimize the window.
Windows logo key  +Home-----Minimize all but the active window.
Windows logo key  +Shift+Up Arrow-----Stretch the window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Windows logo key  +Shift+Left Arrow or Right Arrow------Move a window from one monitor to another.
Windows logo key  +P-----Choose a presentation display mode.
Windows logo key  +G-----Cycle through gadgets.
Windows logo key  +U-----Open Ease of Access Center.
Windows logo key  +X-----Open Windows Mobility Center.
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Odg: Precice na tastaturi
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Januar 15, 2011, 11:16:09 posle podne »
(N.p.r. za znak € drzite levi ALT i kucate numericki kod 0128 ispod krsora se pojavi znak eura)

drzati left ALT kucaj 000;-drzati left ALT kucaj 008;      unused
   drzati left ALT kucaj 009;      horizontal tab
   drzati left ALT kucaj 010;      line feed
   drzati left ALT kucaj 011;      unused
   drzati left ALT kucaj 032;      space
   drzati left ALT kucaj 033;   !   exclamation mark
"   drzati left ALT kucaj 034;   “   double quotation mark
   drzati left ALT kucaj 035;   #   number sign
   drzati left ALT kucaj 036;   $   dollar sign
   drzati left ALT kucaj 037;   %   percent sign
&   drzati left ALT kucaj 038;   &   ampersand
   drzati left ALT kucaj 039;   ‘   apostrophe
   drzati left ALT kucaj 040;   (   left parenthesis
   drzati left ALT kucaj 041;   )   right parenthesis
   drzati left ALT kucaj 042;   *   asterisk
   drzati left ALT kucaj 043;   +   plus sign
   drzati left ALT kucaj 044;   ,   comma
   drzati left ALT kucaj 045;   -   hyphen
   drzati left ALT kucaj 046;   .   period
⁄   drzati left ALT kucaj 047;   /   slash
   drzati left ALT kucaj 048;-drzati left ALT kucaj 057;      digits 0-9
   drzati left ALT kucaj 058;   :   colon
   drzati left ALT kucaj 059;   ;   semicolon
&lt;   drzati left ALT kucaj 060;   <   less-than sign
   drzati left ALT kucaj 061;   =   equals sign
&gt;   drzati left ALT kucaj 062;   >   greater-than sign
   drzati left ALT kucaj 063;   ?   question mark
   drzati left ALT kucaj 064;   @   at sign
   drzati left ALT kucaj 065;-drzati left ALT kucaj 090;      uppercase letters A-Z
   drzati left ALT kucaj 091;   [   left square bracket
   drzati left ALT kucaj 092;   \   backslash
   drzati left ALT kucaj 093;   ]   right square bracket
   drzati left ALT kucaj 093;   ]   caret
   drzati left ALT kucaj 095;   _   horizontal bar (underscore)
   drzati left ALT kucaj 096;   `   grave accent
   drzati left ALT kucaj 097;-drzati left ALT kucaj 0122;      lowercase letters a-z
   drzati left ALT kucaj 0123;   {   left curly brace
   drzati left ALT kucaj 0124;   |   vertical bar
   drzati left ALT kucaj 0125;   }   right curly brace
   drzati left ALT kucaj 0126;   ~   tilde
   drzati left ALT kucaj 0127;-drzati left ALT kucaj 0149;      unused
&ndash;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0150;   –   en dash
&mdash;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0151;   —   em dash
   drzati left ALT kucaj 0152;-drzati left ALT kucaj 0159;      unused
&nbsp;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0160;      nonbreaking space
&iexcl;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0161;   ¡   inverted exclamation
&cent;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0162;   ¢   cent sign
&pound;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0163;   £   pound sterling
&curren;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0164;   ¤   general currency sign
&yen;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0165;   ¥   yen sign
&brvbar; or &brkbar;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0166;   ¦   broken vertical bar
&sect;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0167;   §   section sign
&uml; or &die;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0168;   ¨   umlaut
&copy;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0169;   ©   copyright
&ordf;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0170;   ª   feminine ordinal
&laquo;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0171;   «   left angle quote
&not;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0172;   ¬   not sign
&shy;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0173;      soft hyphen
&reg;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0174;   ®   registered trademark
&macr; or &hibar;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0175;   ¯   macron accent
&deg;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0176;   °   degree sign
&plusmn;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0177;   ±   plus or minus
&sup2;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0178;   ²   superscript two
&sup3;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0179;   ³   superscript three
&acute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0180;   ´   acute accent
&micro;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0181;   µ   micro sign
&para;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0182;   ¶   paragraph sign
&middot;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0183;   ·   middle dot
&cedil;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0184;   ¸   cedilla
&sup1;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0185;   ¹   superscript one
&ordm;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0186;   º   masculine ordinal
&raquo;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0187;   »   right angle quote
&frac14;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0188;   ¼   one-fourth
&frac12;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0189;   ½   one-half
&frac34;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0190;   ¾   three-fourths
&iquest;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0191;   ¿   inverted question mark
&Agrave;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0192;   À   uppercase A, grave accent
&Aacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0193;   Á   uppercase A, acute accent
&Acirc;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0194;   Â   uppercase A, circumflex accent
&Atilde;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0195;   Ã   uppercase A, tilde
&Auml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0196;   Ä   uppercase A, umlaut
&Aring;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0197;   Å   uppercase A, ring
&AElig;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0198;   Æ   uppercase AE
&Ccedil;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0199;   Ç   uppercase C, cedilla
&Egrave;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0200;   È   uppercase E, grave accent
&Eacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0201;   É   uppercase E, acute accent
&Ecirc;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0202;   Ê   uppercase E, circumflex accent
&Euml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0203;   Ë   uppercase E, umlaut
&Igrave;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0204;   Ì   uppercase I, grave accent
&Iacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0205;   Í   uppercase I, acute accent
&Icirc;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0206;   Î   uppercase I, circumflex accent
&Iuml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0207;   Ï   uppercase I, umlaut
&ETH;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0208;   Ð   uppercase Eth, Icelandic
&Ntilde;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0209;   Ñ   uppercase N, tilde
&Ograve;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0210;   Ò   uppercase O, grave accent
&Oacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0211;   Ó   uppercase O, acute accent
&Ocirc;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0212;   Ô   uppercase O, circumflex accent
&Otilde;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0213;   Õ   uppercase O, tilde
&Ouml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0214;   Ö   uppercase O, umlaut
&times;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0215;   ×   multiplication sign
&Oslash;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0216;   Ø   uppercase O, slash
&Ugrave;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0217;   Ù   uppercase U, grave accent
&Uacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0218;   Ú   uppercase U, acute accent
&Ucirc;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0219;   Û   uppercase U, circumflex accent
&Uuml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0220;   Ü   uppercase U, umlaut
&Yacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0221;   Ý   uppercase Y, acute accent
&THORN;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0222;   Þ   uppercase THORN, Icelandic
&szlig;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0223;   ß   lowercase sharps, German
&agrave;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0224;   à   lowercase a, grave accent
&aacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0225;   á   lowercase a, acute accent
&acirc;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0226;   â   lowercase a, circumflex accent
&atilde;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0227;   ã   lowercase a, tilde
&auml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0228;   ä   lowercase a, umlaut
&aring;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0229;   å   lowercase a, ring
&aelig;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0230;   æ   lowercase ae
&ccedil;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0231;   ç   lowercase c, cedilla
&egrave;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0232;   è   lowercase e, grave accent
&eacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0233;   é   lowercase e, acute accent
&ecirc;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0234;   ê   lowercase e, circumflex accent
&euml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0235;   ë   lowercase e, umlaut
&igrave;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0236;   ì   lowercase i, grave accent
&iacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0237;   í   lowercase i, acute accent
&icirc;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0238;   î   lowercase i, circumflex accent
&iuml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0239;   ï   lowercase i, umlaut
&eth;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0240;   ð   lowercase eth, Icelandic
&ntilde;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0241;   ñ   lowercase n, tilde
&ograve;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0242;   ò   lowercase o, grave accent
&oacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0243;   ó   lowercase o, acute accent
&ocirc;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0244;   ô   lowercase o, circumflex accent
&otilde;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0245;   õ   lowercase o, tilde
&ouml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0246;   ö   lowercase o, umlaut
&divide;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0247;   ÷   division sign
&oslash;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0248;   ø   lowercase o, slash
&ugrave;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0249;   ù   lowercase u, grave accent
&uacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0250;   ú   lowercase u, acute accent
&ucirc;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0251;   û   lowercase u, circumflex accent
&uuml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0252;   ü   lowercase u, umlaut
&yacute;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0253;   ý   lowercase y, acute accent
&thorn;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0254;   þ   lowercase thorn, Icelandic
&yuml;   drzati left ALT kucaj 0255;   ÿ   lowercase y, umlaut

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Odg: Precice na tastaturi
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Jul 28, 2012, 12:29:59 pre podne »
ljudi hvala vam ovo je mnogo dobro nikako da nadjem sve precice ali evo neko je to vec sakupio i postavio ove